

Numbers are meant to be discovered. Not to tell other people how clever you are.

3.1 Dealing with twins.

Before getting into the matter: all variables and concepts used till now remain unchanged unless otherwise stated.

In order to avoid confusions though I am going to extract the twin primes from Z, a numerical sequence perfectly comparable to Y, the long zero-string we used to extract the primes from in the previous 2 pages.

So the first thing you should do is to generate Z. In the second place you should decide where to place B, the upper limit of the twins you want to extract. And again, no matter how tempting it is to try to find all the twins that are smaller than some multiple of 10 like one million, or ten millions, or one billion, you should try to find all twins that are smaller than some number that is the square of some element of A. I suggest you take again 2,002,225, the square of 1,415, exactly like we did in the previous pages.

Next you decide is how long Z should be. Well, by now it will not surprise you that this length, n is found with

n = (B -1) / 6

In this case:

n = (2,002,225 -1) / 6 = 333,704

Once Z has been generated and has been given the proper length the checking can begin because yes, finding prime numbers as such and finding the twins both obey to the same principle: you generate a string of zeroes and then you check all places in Z where the twins are NOT. Once your checking is done you find the twins in those positions of Z that have remained unchecked.

As we did in the previous section the checking is done in rounds. All you need to execute a particular round is to find the first element to be checked and the checking frequency.

In Table 4 you find the first 12 rounds you need whenever you start looking for the twins greater than 5 and smaller B.

As for m, the number of checking rounds you need in order to get all twins that are smaller than B,

m = 2(√B \ 3 -1)

where “\” stands for integer division.
In the example given above, if you want to get all twins < 2,002,225:

m = 2(√2002225 \ 3 -1) = 940

At this point it is worth noticing that the first of any pair of twins has always an odd ranking in the original Y (see page 1), implying that the second must be even-ranked. Keeping this in mind, Table 4 was constructed where the single elements stand for the indicated pair of twins in Z. You have to keep in mind though that whereas Y contains single elements of A, Z contains pairs of elements, all grouped at both sides of all multiples of 6.

computing twin prime numbers

Table 4 can be expanded in exactly the same way as Table 2. The first element of the odd rounds and of the even rounds, as well as the frequencies, have their basis on A. Getting them should offer no difficulty by now.

After checking is completed, the twins are held in Z by proxy by those elements that have conserved their original value of 0. In order to convert all those zero-values into the twins whose place they hold, you simply look at r the ranking of that particular zero in Z and find its corresponding twins p and q as follows:

p = 6r - 1
q = p + 2

which corroborates the very well known fact that twins reside at both sides of multiples of 6.

It is as simple as that.

2.2 Generating twins indefinitely.

Besides generating the twins from 5 onwards, the present algorithm offers the possibility of generating twins indefinitely, two features that no other algorithm can offer.

As it was said in the previous pages, while extracting the twins from 5 to B, the latter has to be the square of some element of A. Besides, as it was said in the previous section regarding the primes, it holds here also that there are two methods to extract twins indefinitely.

By means of the first method you generate the twins step wise, first from 5 to B, then from B to C and so on.

If you want to use this step wise method to extract your twins, you should perform the following steps:

• While generating twins from 5 to B you save in X the ranking in Z of the very last element of each checking round.

• The length of X is therefore equal to m, the number of rounds you need in order to extract your twins from 5 to B. If you set equal B to 2,002,225 as we did before, then the number of checking rounds you need is equal to 940, so your X should be an array that is capable of containing 940 numbers.

• Once you have performed your first step, you determine the new upper limit of the next series of twins you want to extract, you generate a new Z, you determine its length and you begin the checking again. You begin your checking at the position in Z that is indicated by the first element of X and, being it the first checking round, you do your checking with a frequency of 5. Once your first round is completed, you initiate your second round at the position in Z that is indicated by the second element of X and being this the second round, you do your checking with a frequency of 5 as well.

• At the end of each round you must not forget to save the last checked position in Z in order to facilitate things for the next step, the third one.

• But coming back to your second step, once your X is depleted you have to determine the ranking of Z where your next checking round should begin. With the instructions given on Tables 1 and 4 this should be easily done.

• Once your second step is performed you begin your third step, then your fourth step... until eventually you also run out of memory. But running out of memory depends on the way you run things on your computer. Table 5 gives an overview of the way the most important variables grow as B, the upper limit of the twins you want to extract, becomes bigger and bigger. Realising that n grows very fast gives you the chance to manage your computer’s memory in an adequate manner.

finding large twin prime numbers

• For people with limited resources the best way to extract as many twins as possible is indeed to go at once from 5 to B, taking B as large as possible and then go ahead and generate all those twins in one single step. If you still have room to go further, begin again from scratch making B larger than the first time. You will eventually run out of memory, anyway.

The second method to deal with the problem is this: instead of extracting twins from 5 to B you can decide to extract twins that are greater than B instead of smaller than B. This method suits people with more resources and better programming skills.

This second method consists of computing X instead of constructing it by saving in it the ranking of the last Z-element that gets checked at the end of each checking round. And you compute X as follows:

• You determine B and B should be the square of an element of A, for instance 2,002,225 that is the square of 1,415.

• You then find the ranking r of B in Z which you find with: r = (B-1)/6. And I repeat: if you want to apply this method, B has to be the squared value of an element of A.

• Then you initiate your checking rounds on Z. As the frequencies of the checking rounds (see Table 4, last column) remain unchanged no matter where you decide to initiate your checking on Z, the most important thing now to compute is the index of the first element of each checking round. You achieve this by first computing c:

c = (ra) mod b, where:

r is the ranking of B in Z,
a is the index of the very first element of Z to be checked when you decide to extract all twins that are greater than or equal to 5 (Table 4, second column),
b is the frequency (Table 4, last column)

• Once you have found c, the ranking in Z where a checking round should begin is determined by:

(B-1)/6 – c

• In order to facilitate things I have computed the first 12 checking rounds needed to find twins that are greater than 2,002,225, see Table 6. Expanding Table 6 is as easy as expanding Table 1.

computing large twin prime numbers

• Expanding Table 6 allows you to look for twins that are greater than 2,002,225. How far you want to go is up to you but remember that B, the new upper limit has to be the square value of an element of A. For instance, letting B being equal to 152,201,569 will do, as it is the square value of 12,337, a number that is divisible neither by 2, nor by 3 and that therefore is an element of A. In such a case you are looking for twins that are greater than 2,002,225 and smaller than 152,201,569.

2.3 Some final remarks on twins.

1. Also Table 4 gets its dynamics from A.

2. Checking rounds should be brought to an end once the algorithm tries to check an element in Z that is greater than B.

3. Once an element of Z has been converted to 1 during a checking round, it never loses that status no matter how often the same element gets “hit” during subsequent rounds.

4. The dynamics of the algorithm restrict themselves to sieving all pairs of twins of which at least one is not a prime number. Sieving efficiency is fostered by the absolute absence of divisibility tests. As sieving is done on Z, an ordinally arranged sequence, the sieving process can be prolonged at wish, without slowing down, no matter how far one decides to go into ℕ. The process is particularly fast if it is decided to represent Z in memory bit-wise, not byte-wise.

5. Once again, you should keep in mind that in this section twins are referred to as if they were one single unity. To take an example, the 5th element of Z is the pair [23,25] which by the way is not a twin.


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el elegido


Le pape allemand se retire. Alors que les cardinaux préférés de la presse mondiale lancent leur campagne électorale à Rome, des forces supérieures désignent les archevêques Francisco cardinal Bedogli, archevêque de Buenos Aires, et Ernesto cardinal Salazar Díaz, primat de Colombie, comme les vrais candidats.

Les deux factions antagonistes envoient à la hâte leurs émissaires en Amérique latine, où se déroule la première bataille de l'élection papale.

Un journaliste hollandais, athée bien sûr, arpente les villes latino-américaines en préparation du rapport final qu'il doit envoyer à ses maîtres résidant à Rome. Il arrive à Buenos Aires, interviewe Bedogli mais découvre dans la province l’empêchement d’empêchements qui ferait perdre à son éminence l’ascension vers le trône papal.

Son antagoniste est une femme encore jeune, de l’Europe slave. Elle est petite, elle est ferme dans ses convictions, elle est forte de volonté. Elle part en Amérique latine avec l'intention de donner à l'Église de Dieu et à ses maîtres résidant à Cracovie, le pontife qui réclament les temps tumultueux traversés par le monde au début du nouveau millénaire.

Elle rencontre Salazar Díaz à Bogotá et à Medellín Manuel Santos, président de la Colombie. De Cracovie, elle entend parler de la bombe qui est sur le point d'exploser sous la chaise de Bedogli. Le Néerlandais et la Slave se précipitent à Lima, où réside la gâchette, il pour l’activer, elle pour la désactiver. Elle gagne la course. Pour minutes.

Lisez dans «L'Élu » les conséquences de la résignation spectaculaire de Razinger à la papauté, lisez la mise en scène et le dénouement de deux histoires d'amour qui, bien que incomparables, ne peuvent s'épanouir que dans la cité des papes.

el elegido

El Elegido.

El papa alemán se retira. Mientras los cardenales favoritos de la prensa mundial lanzan en Roma su campaña electoral, fuerzas superiores asignan como únicos candidatos a Francisco cardenal Bedogli, arzobispo de Buenos Aires y a Ernesto cardenal Salazar Díaz, primado de Colombia.

Las dos facciones antagónicas envían precipitadamente sus emisarios a la América Latina donde se pelea la primera batalla de la elección pontificia.

Un periodista holandés, ateo desde luego, sondea las urbes latinoamericanas en preparación del informe final que dará a sus amos, residentes en Roma. Llega a Buenos Aires, se entrevista con Bedogli pero descubre en la provincia el impedimento de los impedimentos que le cerrará a su eminencia el ascenso al trono pontificio.

Su antagonista es una mujer todavía joven, proveniente de la Europa Eslava. Es menudita, es firme en sus creencias, es voluntariosa. Se dirige a la América Latina con la intención de darle a la Iglesia de Dios, y a sus amos que residen en Cracovia, el pontífice que exigen los tiempos turbulentos por los que pasa el mundo al comienzo del nuevo milenio.

Se entrevista en Bogotá con Salazar Díaz y en Medellín con Manuel Santos, presidente de Colombia. De Cracovia le llega razón de la bomba que está por explotar bajo el sillón de Bedogli. Tanto el holandés como la chica eslava se dirigen intempestivamente a Lima, donde reside el detonante, él para accionarlo, ella para desactivarlo. Le gana ella la carrera. Por minutos.

Lea en “El Elegido” las consecuencias de la espectacular renuncia de Razinger al papado, lea la puesta en escena y el desenlace de dos historias de amor que, aunque imparagonables entre sí, pueden llegar a dar flor solo en la ciudad de los papas.

el elegido

O Escolhido.

O papa alemão se aposenta. Enquanto os cardeais favoritos da imprensa mundial lançam sua campanha eleitoral em Roma, as forças superiores designam Francisco Cardinal Bedogli, arcebispo de Buenos Aires e Ernesto Cardeal Salazar Díaz, primaz da Colômbia, como os únicos verdadeiros candidatos.

As duas facções antagônicas rapidamente enviam seus emissários para a América Latina, onde a primeira batalha das eleições papais é travada.

Um jornalista holandês, ateu, é claro, percorre as cidades latino-americanas em preparação para o relatório final que ele deve enviar aos seus mestres, residentes de Roma. Ele chega a Buenos Aires, entrevista Bedogli, mas descobre na província o impedimento de impedimentos que impede sua eminência da ascensão ao trono papal.

Seu antagonista é uma jovem ainda, da Europa eslava. Ela é pequena, é firme em suas crenças, tem força de vontade. Ela parte para a América Latina com a intenção de dar a Igreja de Deus e seus mestres residentes em Cracóvia, o pontífice que exigem os tempos turbulentos pelos quais o mundo passa no início do novo milênio.

Ela se reúne em Bogotá com Salazar Díaz e em Medellín com Manuel Santos, presidente da Colômbia. De Cracóvia, ela ouve da bomba que está prestes a explodir sob a cadeira de Bedogli.

Tanto o holandês quanto a garota eslava vão para Lima, onde reside o gatilho, ele para ativá-lo, ela para desativá-lo. Ela vence a corrida. Por minutos.

Leia em “O Escolhido” as consequências da espetacular renúncia de Razinger ao papado, leia a encenação e o fim de duas histórias de amor que, embora sem paralelo entre si, só podem florescer na cidade dos papas.


Saksan paavi jää eläkkeelle. Maailman lehdistö on jo ilmoittanut suosikk kardinaalinsä ja nämä kardinaalit käynnistävät vaalikampanjansa Roomassa. Tästä huolimatta ylemmät joukot nimeävät ainoina todellisina ehdokkaina Buenos Airesin arkkipiispa Francisco Cardinal Bedoglin ja Kolumbian primaatti Ernesto Cardinal Salazar Díazin.

Nämä kaksi antagonistista ryhmittymää lähettävät kiireellisesti suurlähettiläänsä Latinalaiseen Amerikkaan, missä paavinvaalien ensimmäinen taistelu käydään.

Hollantilainen toimittaja, 38-vuotias, ateisti tietysti vaeltaa Latinalaisen Amerikan kaupunkeja valmistellessaan loppuraporttia, joka hänen on lähetettävä mestarilleen. Ja hänen mestarinsa asuvat Roomassa. Hän saapuu Buenos Airesiin, haastattelee Bedoglia, mutta havaitsee maakunnassa, että kardinalilla on suuri este nousta papalisen valtaistuimelle.

Hollantilaisen toimittajan antagonisti on nuori nainen. Hän on kotoisin slaavilaisesta Euroopasta. Hän on siro, hänellä on vahva kristitty usko, hän on vahva tahto. Tyttö lähtee Latinalaiseen Amerikkaan aikomuksenaan antaa hyvää pontiffia Jumalan kirkolle ja Krakovassa asuville mestarilleen. Nämä ovat levottomia aikoja, ja kirkko tarvitsee hyvän johtajan uuden vuosituhannen alussa.

Tyttö tapaa Bogotássa Salazar Díazin kanssa ja Medellínissä Kolumbian presidentin Manuel Santoksen kanssa. Krakovasta hän kuulee, että hollantilainen toimittaja on istuttanut pommin Bedoglin tuolin alle. Sekä hollantilainen että slaavilainen tyttö menevät Limalle, jossa räjähdysaine asuu. Hollantilainen haluaa aktivoida sen, slaavilainen tyttö haluaa poistaa sen käytöstä. Tyttö voittaa kilpailun. Muutaman minuutin ajan.

Lue kohta "Valittu" Razingerin näyttävän valtaan eroamisen seuraukset. Lue kahden rakkaustarinan lavastus ja pääte, jotka, vaikka ovat vertaansa vailla toisiaan, voivat tapahtua vain paavien kaupungissa.