

On the nature of numbers and on the nature of things.

5.1 About

I started this research a couple of years ago. Except for some details that I worked out later on, I found then everything that I dare present to you in this place.

I thought then I had found something exceptional and tried to get attention from some people, important people of course, but they had better things to do than to listen to what an old man had to say.

I then let go and archived my folders. In late summer 2019 I sort of woke up and began working out some details I had not done earlier, particularly on twins and some aspects of cryptography.

I actually finished my work in a few weeks and thought of publishing my thoughts in a scientific journal. Soon I found out that the concerned journals would never publish my article. They wanted me to be a mathematician or at least to write like one. And I wouldn’t.

In the months ahead I went on preparing this publication even though I knew how futile the whole exercise was: take for instance 1125, a relatively small number: 108,347,059,433,883,722,041,830,251. Should you want to generate that amount of primes and should you generate them at a rate of one trillion a second (that is 1,000,000,000,000 primes a second), it will take almost 3.5 million years for you to complete your job.

Now that I am convinced that I found nothing special and notwithstanding the awesomeness of numbers, I dare think I know what primes are not: they are not numbers, they are neither divisible nor indivisible and the ones I have being talking to you about in this place do not belong to the mathematicians. What primes are, you tell me.

5.2 Me.

I am a Dutchman, I am an old man and I am an ignorant. I got born, I studied a couple of things, I worked for a long time and then retired.

After that, I wrote a couple of books, those that I’ve been advertising in these pages. I wrote them in different languages, so choose your own and have a look. You can also go ahead and see them all at www.bangedagen.nl

I am sort of proud that my primes come to you and introduce themselves as if were. As for the mathematicians’ ones, their masters have been searching for them for the past two and a half thousand years. They say that their primes keep hiding themselves whereas it is the mathematicians themselves who, furtive and sullen, keep hiding away from their own primes.

After I retired I left my country. I love living a couple of years here, a couple of years there. I am not wired to the big world out there so don’t try to contact me. The number of my followers is less than 1 and I want to keep it that way.

Thank you for being with me all the way. I wish you well.

By the way, my name is German Navarro.


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The nature of Nature.

I wrote this little book a couple of years ago. All that you have read in this site has its origin in The nature of Nature.

Except for dealing with primes I wrote in that book about my fundamental doubts concerning the essence of our numerical system and the incapability of our brain to know anything that gets to a zero-status, be it the counting system itself, be it the big variables of Nature.

As for the former, its most striking unbalance can be expressed as follows: the distance between 0 and 1 is absolutely unequal to the distance between 1 and 2 and is only comparable, if not equal, to the distance between 1, or any other number, and ∞.

As for the latter, if you take Mass as an example, zero mass is not what suggests a needle that points to zero weight on the display of some silly balance but rather a state of Mass in which there is no Mass at all.

Well, a variable that can achieve such a zero-status is incomprehensible to us as we will never be able to understand how, when or where such a variable can jump from non-existence into existence. So, unless we invent a Mass that is capable of making such a dramatic jump, we will once and for all be forced to abstain from arithmetically manipulating these big variables of Nature. Mass, Energy, Time… are neither divisible nor multipliable at will by human brain. No matter how clever we think we are.

Einstein's formula